Todo Sage for Web Agencies

Working at a web agency means you hopefully have a bunch of client work going on all the time. By moving away from emails and using our project management tool Todo Sage, you can make sure that you are up-to-date with the latest workings of your clients.

Having repeat business is always wonderful. So do you put everything in one project titled the clients name? Or do you split them out into individual projects? For us, it depends on the projects.

Use Case

Lets say we have a client named ACME LLC and we are their web and marketing agency. This quarter we are building out a new website, and sending out mailer advertisements. On top of those two projects, we also have our monthly progress reports, managing online advertising and so forth

If we use our main project "ACME LLC" for everything, once we start making good progress on our websites, all the todos and todolists are going to overrun the project. There could be a lot. From concepts, wireframing, design, develop and testing of each page, that's a lot of todos. What we would do here is create a new project called "ACME LLC Website" and invite the staff and clients who need to work on the website to this project. In the main "ACME LLC" project, we add a todolist called "Big 2018 Projects", and add a "New Website" todo. By dragging the "Big 2018 Projects" todolist to the top, everybody knows it's important and knows there are projects in progress.

Just because we are building a new website, doesn't mean work has stopped while it's in progress. We can still add todos to our main project for the November 2018 report, and December 2018 report.

We still need to accomplish the mailer this year. If it's a 1 page deal, maybe just adding a todolist in the main project will work. If it's bigger, you may want to create a new project with it. There is a lot of work that goes into these, from concepts, designing, proofing, printing and mailing.

With just this one client you have a lot of moving parts. If you have multiple clients, and work via email, you are going to get buried. Are you commenting on the latest revision? Or did someone already push out a new update? If you go on vacation does everything come to a stand still or can your staff keep working through the project?

Inviting Clients

If you work closely with your clients, it may be wise to invite them to the project. This will allow them to communicate with you and your staff in one central location, on the topic of your project. Since you don't get charged per user with Todo Sage, inviting your clients is included in your monthly price. You will still get emails notifiying you of comments on a todo, and you can even reply from the email. However, keeping the entire discussion of a todo in one thread makes it easy to follow and understand instead of searching through your emails trying to find the right one.

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